Parents, Families, and Friends,
2020 has not been easy. While these may be dark times, light can be found within the heart of our families and close friends. To the nurses, doctors, and healthcare workers whom are fighting an invisible enemy – your strength and commitment to stand on the front lines and bear the brunt of a pandemic is nothing short of admirable. To the citizens fighting from closed doors, social distancing to keep a dire situation from becoming a calamity, Thank you.
-Mission Bay Sportcenter Staff

In an effort to assist San Diego Families, Mission Bay Sportcenter has been given clearance from the San Diego Lifeguards and The City of San Diego to assist parents by offering our Youth Camp 7 days per week, starting Monday, May 4th.
For nurses, doctors, or families that consist of healthcare workers, we will be offering completely free of charge childcare. (Limited availability, please email zach@missionbaysportcenter.com to request sponsorship.)
Protecting our employees and customers
Our staff is dedicated to sanitation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Cleaning measures have been heightened and sanitation supplies have been increased including hand washing stations. Children will be reminded daily of safety protocols including eliminating the touching of their face and others. Hand sanitizing will be prioritized when picking up and dropping off of children.
How it works:
Our Youth Camp introduces children ages 6-16 to the world of water sports through sailing, kayaking, paddle boarding, catamaran sailing and beach activities. Beach awareness and water safety are taught and stressed throughout the week. With our low child to instructor ratio children will receive hands on experience in a safe and fun environment.
How to sign-up
To sign up, click the button below and purchase your vouchers.
Doctors, nurses, or medical workers, please send an email to zach@missionbaysportcenter.com SUBJECT:”Healthcare Sponsorship”